Check plumbing before buying a home in Southern California

check_plumbing_2Check plumbing before buying a home in Southern California (SoCal) to avoid costly repairs to your plumbing system down the road. Whether you’re thinking of buying a home in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley or anywhere else in So Cal, remember that many sellers are eager to sell their property right away, and may skip a thorough inspection of their home. As a result, repairs needed can often spill over to the buyer. You. Don’t be one of those new SoCal home buyers who unwittingly enters a deal (especially one with a big price tag) without knowing the cost that may lie ahead. Inspect the plumbing before you close the deal.

Here are a few guidelines that can help you in your plumbing inspection:

1. Set an appointment with the property owner. Come dressed prepared to get your hands dirty(though you may not have to), and bring a flash light. You’ll need it to light up hard to see areas in the plumbing.
2. Don’t feel pressured to not fully inspect the home. You may not want to “ruffle any feathers”, but resisting that feeling can help you avoid costly plumbing expense.
3. Check for leaks and drips. Go to the kitchen and bathroom(s) and check underneath the sink check for leaks. While in the bathroom flush the toilet. They should flush and fill all the way. Don’t forget to check the hot and cold water in the shower.
4. Shut off the water. You can do so by shutting off the shut off valve. If the water is supplied by a well, the shut off should be inside the home (under the sink). For city supplied water systems, the shut off valve might be in the basement or outside the home (by the utility area)
5. Find out if pipes are lead based. If your dream home was built before 1986, chances are its piping are either galvanized or lead based. If they are lead based, they will need to be replaced or else you will run the risk of lead toxics in your water.
6. Check the water heater. Old water heaters in poor condition may need to be replaced. Signs of a water heater in poor condition include corrosion of the tank or any of its parts. If you notice of these warning signs, request that water heater be replaced – or take it into account when bidding on the home.
7. Check the sewage system. In Southern California, most homes use a municipal sewer system. However, not all homes do. So you will want to determine whether wasted goes to the municipal sewer system, of it goes to septic tank. If the home  is using a septic tank, look for signs of seepage in the area when the tank is, or for foul odors or other warning signs. Septic tanks are very expensive to replace so if any warning signs exists request that it be fixed before agreeing to buy or take it into account the cost of replacing.

Most people do not check plumbing before buying a home, and prefer a professional do it. And with good reason. A professional has a thorough understanding of city water systems. They know exactly what to look for and are familiar with the common problems. If professional assistant sounds like something you might be interested in, Mr Repipe will be glad to help. Contact us above for more information

For Dummies

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